A rainwater harvesting plant is a type of water harvesting system that captures and stores rainwater to be used later for irrigation or other needs.

Rainwater harvesting plants are commonly used in areas where access to clean water is scarce or expensive, or where water pollution is a concern. They work by taking advantage of the natural ability of roofs, walls, and other surfaces to collect and store rainwater.

The collected rainwater can then be used to irrigate plants and gardens, provide drinking water, or even recharge groundwater reserves.

What are the various types of RWH?

Rainwater harvesting is a water conservation practice that involves capturing and storing rainwater to be used later on when there is a shortage of water. There are several different types of RWH, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Harvesting rainwater using cisterns and tanks is the most common type of RWH, as it’s relatively cheap and easy to set up. However, this method has two major limitations: first, it can only store water for a short period of time; and second, it needs regular maintenance to prevent the tank from overflowing.

Another common type of RWH is catchment basins. These are large areas located near downspouts or other sources of water that collect rainwater in buckets or cells. The advantage of catchment basins is that they can store large quantities of water for long periods of time without any need for maintenance. However, they’re also more expensive to set up than cisterns or tanks, and they require more space than either option.

A final type of RWH is underground storage reservoirs (USRs). USRs function similarly to catchment basins in that they collect rainwater in underground cells or tanks. However, USRs have the added advantage of being able to store larger amounts of water than any

What are the benefits of our rainwater harvesting plant?

Rainwater harvesting is an effective way of conserving water, and it has many benefits that can help you.

Rainwater harvesting plants are also highly efficient, meaning that they use only a fraction of the water that regular irrigation systems use. This means that you’ll be able to save money on your utility bills every month. Plus, by using a rainwater harvesting plant, you’ll be helping preserve the environment by reducing the amount of waste that’s produced.

Rainwater harvesting plants come in a variety of designs and sizes, so we can fit almost any budget. We also come with a range of features that make them convenient to use, such as automatic shut-off systems and sensors that detect when the tank is full. So whether you’re looking to save money or improve your environment, a rainwater harvesting plant may be just what you need.